I've been using it for over a year. I've tried over 15 different screenshot tools, but nothing compares to the convenience, functionality, and multitasking experience of ShareX.
It takes some time to set up, but the results are stunning. In one click I take a screenshot → it is uploaded to the hosting and saved on the local disk → the link is shortened → the link is copied to the clipboard. It works the same way with video recording.
You can find anything in history (I have over 1200 files displayed), send files to another program with actions (Paint.net, Gimp etc.), upload text, use OCR, scrolling capture, image combiner and so on.
ShareX image editor solves 90-95% of my tasks: crop and cut, highlighting with shapes, arrows and lines, writing text and insert stickers, pixelate and finally smart eraser.
All this is absolutely free. You can't go wrong by choosing ShareX.