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11 Reviews
Nelly Kam
Nelly Kam

Senior Product Designer at Flow Health

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Review of Sharedtrip

I helped this team and during that I just felt in love with this tool. With my friends we finally found where we can discuss, re-discuss, re-arrange all our plans about the event and not to uproar lots of chats we have.

App is simple (I dont use Fb for events because of too much happening there).

I also like their dream about safe and cheaper travelling.

Usually, when I work from other city remotely, I'd love to find some people to go to the tours. Reaching them using social groups was awkward, tinder is about sex. Actually, I dont know any other product where you can make groups and nothing bothers you.

Also I like the approval of people+leave review, that want to join group, it's airbnb model that really makes your trip open, but safe from trolls/


Amina Fakhri
1 review
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Review of Sharedtrip

This is genius! I love that I can plan a trip and rely only on my preference or choice of destination. If people want to join in - they can! I'm an independent traveler and I love to meet people, but I hate 'selling' activities to my friends. With Sharedtrip people find my trips and join if they are interested in birdwatching or scouting for Game of Thrones remote shooting locations. .

Dmitry Prokhorov
Researches in energetics, IPTPN
3 reviews
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Review of Sharedtrip

I’ll definitely use it when planning my next trip)

Anna Aljanaki
Teaching computers music @JKU
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Review of Sharedtrip

What I like about sharedtrip is that you meet people based on your interests, whatever those are. For instance, I am an outdoorsy person. I am also an expat with an academic career who moves from country to country every couple of years. There're activities organized for expats on facebook, for instance, but those are just your regular "let's hang out in a bar" type of party. That's not my thing, but there isn't anything better. On sharedtrip I can organize very specialized trips related to rock climbing or music jam sessions.

engineer, freelancer
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Halina Trofimova
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Alex Fiz
Alex Fiz
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Vasilii Artemev
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Larysa Aharkava
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Bulat Zamilov
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Review of Sharedtrip