If you are obese losing and sustaining weight loss is both highly desired and very difficult with long term success 5-10%. Regular weighing has been shown to aid weight loss. The pitch here from behavioral psychology is that daily scale stepping without numbers results in superior results as it reduces number anxiety. They market a nice looking device and regular monitoring for a monthly subscription. I used this device for 9 months. The main benefit was improvement in balance as i stood waiting to get my color. During this time it says it is estimating muscle mass and computing variance. Methods for estimating body composition have indifferent accuracy - see Wirecutter review in NYT. i finally broke my back and spent a month in hospital emerging 20 lbs lighter. From my 50 years as a nephrologist and serial dieter I knew I had lost bone, muscle, fluid and other stuff. I stepped on my Shape and got a green - weight maintained. Really! Shapa gives canned support but no phone number or effective email support. Best to just stop the monthly payments and pitch the attractive device. I suspect in 5 years very few Shapas will be used. Better remembered as a transient marketing success and money gatherer. Overweight people will try anything!