The best alternatives to Sendblue are Captain Share, CodeSee, and Avochato. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
Maps are auto-generated, self-updating code diagrams. They sync your codebase as code evolves. With features to help you understand how files and folders are connected, see how code changes fit into the larger architecture, and more.
Bring your business phone to Slack and start text messaging your customers in real-time. Confirm appointments, ask for reviews, offer promotions, the possibilities are endless.
ShoutOUT is a business SMS platform to send SMS internationally to unlimited customers. Sending targeted campaigns is easier with ShoutOUT's advanced segmentation. Personalization lets businesses maintain friendly relationships with customers.
Pidgins is a smart and beautiful SMS Text Messaging solution for small to mid sized businesses. Your customers want to text you, and probably already are. Pidgins makes it easy to start texting. Schedule appointments, give customers important information, and sell through SMS messaging.
Scheduly does not include any extra fluff. We aim to focus on one thing and one thing only, SMS reminders. Do you want to significantly lower the number of cancellations your business gets? Try out Scheduly!