What do people think of Sales Playbooks?
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4.2/5All time (6 reviews)
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Sounds promising and I'll try it out! Just a quick note - when clicking on the "visit website" button it shows an error.
Markus Jenul@markus_jenul1
Sales Playbooks
Wow. thank you for letting us know @denitsa_grancharova :) we are just fixing that.
You can see a list of all our playbooks at: https://www.kickscale.com/playbo...
Super useful product. This will definitely be very helpful for my future planning.
My company is a sales accelerator for SaaS and Business Services companies. If you want to remove the guesswork involved in figuring out how to drive immediate revenue growth and sales success, contact me.
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Review of Kickscale
Very cool idea and the application really helps in optimizing and keeping a good overview over all processes.
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Review of Kickscale
Kickscale is a great platform for SDR & BDR team leads, providing end-to-end insights on pipeline generation and team performance. Their playbooks are top-notch and work really well in SaaS. We've been using it for some time @Anyline and can only recommend it as no other product gives us a better overview of what's going on in the lead gen funnel. Well done @geraldzankl & the team ;)
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