Rita Personal Data

Collect, view and control your data
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The community submitted 137 reviews to tell us what they like about Rita Personal Data, what Rita Personal Data can do better, and more.
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137 Reviews
Programa užstrigo,ir negaunu QR kodo kurio prašo

Lacramioara Anutii
1 review
Nu prea inteleg

Fantastic, must have app for everyone. Simple as that

Marcin Po tacie
Szukam pracy
1 review
Pierwsza płatności byla

18 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Don't see a use case for this. The email address for the privacy team is in every privacy policy and requesting/deleting your data is as easy as sending an informal email.

Kesara Wimal
Founder, Devro LABS
11 reviews
Recommended this product
This is a great tool for all of us. I had the honor to support the product while beta testing : )

Pilgrim — X Æ A-12 —
Software developer
7 reviews
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Viswanath Vtz
6 reviews
Recommended this product
Really interesting, would like to give it a try. Thanks for this product

Iris Loureiro
Civil Engineer in the Construction Space
7 reviews
Recommended this product
Already started using Rita and exploring the app! It's amazing how much my data is actually worth and all the information that (before) wasn't easily accessible now is! We're finally starting to see a solution to the Social Dilemma!

Remi Botbol
1 review
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Yes! An increasing number of people are getting concerned with their digital footprint. The fight for your own digital privacy starts here. In essence, Rita addresses the issue of one's personal information being disseminated and fragmented across the web (at least when all of its features are implemented). It does so by emphasizing UX at the forefront of its value proposition, so that the average user can get around "Dark Patterning". For now, it supports a few companies that have an automated system for data collection and restriction, such as Facebook and Google. To the founders @john_arts and @guglielmo_schenardi ?makers : The road is long, but starting with the largest companies makes sense. Hope you guys will be able to add other features like: - Support for smaller companies without automated GDPR requests systems, like for instance via email GDPR requests (Will require you to collect and update frequently data officers' emails) - Tracking of those emails and reminders after one month without answer. - Automated complaint creations at relevant authorities when no response - Creation of browser add-ons on compatible browsers AND email-client (see deseat.me) - Ultimate feature that will make you a leader in the whole industry : being able to "detect" which data brokers and other entities own information (as most data hoarders remain willfully silent so as to evade detection, but that requires GDPR legal amendment with obligation to disclose data possession).