Remember to stand 🔼🔼🔼

Visual reminder to stand up once an hour 👀
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What is Remember to stand 🔼🔼🔼?
Get a reminder to stand up every hour. We made this to give ourselves an aesthetic, visual reminder to get up and move every hour. ⌨️Space → Start/Pause ⌨️F → Fullscreen ⌨️C → Change colors ⌨️I → Invert colours ⌨️D → Default colors ⌨️O → Outlined icon on/off
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Remember to stand 🔼🔼🔼
Get a reminder to stand up every hour. We made this to give ourselves an aesthetic, visual reminder to get up and move every hour.
⌨️Space → Start/Pause
⌨️F → Fullscreen
⌨️C → Change colors
⌨️I → Invert colours
⌨️D → Default colors
⌨️O → Outlined icon on/off