Realmac Software

Realmac Software

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4 Reviews
John Parker
Software developer
3 reviews
Recommended this product
Review of Squash 3
Fantastically speedy batch image compression and conversion tool, now with added filters. If you regularly work with lots of images, it’s an essential addition to your software library.

Sean Deverell
Software Developer in Dublin
2 reviews
Recommended this product
Review of Squash

I really like the bouncy animations and sound effects. You can get it with a SetApp bundle (curated list of paid apps for Mac) which I'd recommend too.


Ribier Design
512 reviews
Recommended this product
I have paid already from the Apple Store it's working very good for me thanks

⭐ JaJuMa ⭐
Full-Service eCommerce + Magento Agency
4 reviews
Does not recommend this product