Launched on September 5th, 2017
I've heard for years that you have to starve for your art. Real Artists Don't Starve was equal parts empowering and aggravating to learn how big of a myth this is. In the book, Jeff lays out practical steps to combat this deeply seeded myth while sharing real world examples of contemporary and historical creatives.
That quote from "Real Artists Don't Starve" is very revealing. Are you stubborn enough?
You can read hundreds of biographies, do hundreds of interviews and distill that information into common principles and strategies others have followed to be successful as an artist in their chosen fields of endeavor OR you can get your copy of "Real Artists Don't Starve" today and benefit from this work already done for you by Jeff Goins. This might just inspire you to take that first or next step in living your dream and not starving while doing so.
To me having someone else do all the research and providing his findings is worth the small investment needed to purchase this book. I think it would be a worthwhile investment for you too.
"You can do extraordinary things when you are patiently persistent." Reading and learning what others have done to be successful is one of those patiently persistent things you need to do to increase your chances of your success. This book will help you achieve that goal.
You will learn some things you didn't know, be reminded of some things you already knew and many misconceptions you thought you knew will be clarified. In the process you might just be inspired to say if they can do it I can too and take action to live YOUR dream.
I love this book! If you're a creative in any way, you'll want to read it too. Well put together. Plenty of real life stories to encourage you and back up the premise. Great insight.
I would love to read about the author own experience through the book's principles.
RADS is encouraging, inspiring and practical. It not only shows real-life examples of regular people who make good livings doing creative work, but a simple, proven roadmap for the reader to do the same. Love it!