What do people think of ReadPartner Portal + Extension?
The community submitted 3 reviews to tell
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What do you think about ReadPartner Portal + Extension?
ReadPartner has the potential to help quickly find the bits of web content that are personally relevant. This is a highly competitive part of the AI market, and I think ReadPartner can do several things to find success:
* Adding advanced features: Summarising the selected content rather than the whole page, and a chat function for zeroing in on relevant content faster would be welcome additions.
* On the sales/marketing side: Partnering with companies that are selling complementary services and/or software might help. Web bookmarking services might be a good fit in that regard; some of them are already all-in on AI, while some of them (Pocket etc) have yet to make the jump. Partnering might be something as simple as an affiliate marketing arrangement. Another option would be to sell a white-labeled service/software to those complementary companies.
Best of luck.
In the current world where many generative AI products are producing low-quality content on the internet, ReadPartner chose to do the exact opposite summative AI. By summarizing long-form content, they help users to consume them faster and easier. Highly recommended!