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Penny was a personal finance app that helps you track your income and spending. Whenever you chatted with Penny, she shared important and fun information about your finances with you.
Simfolio is a tool that shows you how all your investment accounts will grow together to give you an idea of your future net worth. Along with projections, the app lets you compare your account performance to benchmarks.
QUBER has taken the old-school way of saving money in a jar and brought it into a mobile app. Create saving rules to roundup purchases save % of deposits, or challenge yourself to spend less on impulse and automatically move money to your digital jar. Quber makes saving money top of mind and supports Financial Institutions across Canada.
Kiindly is a leading platform of discount coupon codes and cashback for the products and services offered by 1, 200 plus stores. The company not just bridges vendors and target consumers through the Web but also 800,000+ registered nonprofit organizations.