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  • Quinn


    Quinn is a subscription-based content service.
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    The community submitted 2 reviews to tell us what they like about Quinn, what Quinn can do better, and more.
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    2 Reviews
    Maxime Germain
    CEO Jour
    4 reviews
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    Review of Quinn

    (disclaimer: I've been advising this company and helped design the content creation process)

    As I really wanted to be able to access a written content service that would match my needs to establish a brand. It can sometimes be hard to hire a full time content writer at the beginning of a project.

    We've been working with a bootstrapped version of the service on almost 90% of content related project we had with Gertrude, ArtList, Stellar Base, Stellar Formation, KeplerBot and now Jour for the past 6 years.

    They understand how important it became to create high quality content without missing on key elements like company voice & culture.

    Highly recommended!

    3 reviews
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