FeetMeter is quick and simple way to measure both feet length and check your shoe size by taking measurements from a picture. UPDATE: Android early version is available now: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vistechprojects.shoe_size_meter
Xesto Fit enables iPhone users to size their feet using only their FaceID cameras in over 150 brands. Users can then share their size profiles with loved ones to enable seamless gift/family purchasing - who doesn't want a gift that fits?
Introducing the ZOZOSUIT, capable of capturing 15,000 body measurements in mere seconds. Order yours FREE at zozosuit.com and unlock a size-free shopping experience where you can find men's and women's basics (jeans, tees and more) custom-fitted to your exact measurements. All of this without ever leaving your house. The ZOZOSUIT ships Spring 2018.
efitter is a chatbot Google Chrome extension that uses previous purchases to predict your size when shopping online. With no need to manually input data, it aggregates your size across your favourite brands to predict your perfect fit the first time around.