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  • Pythia World

    Pythia World

    Free AI tools for founders, product leaders, and marketers
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    What do people think of Pythia World?

    The community submitted 37 reviews to tell us what they like about Pythia World, what Pythia World can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Pythia World?
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    5/5All time (37 reviews)
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    37 Reviews
    ibaad bangash
    Founder - CEO acespheres.
    2 reviews
    Just amazing with this software!
    alex brankovich
    1 review
    Pythia helped me in finding a great service for solving work tasks in finding the necessary documentation and specifications on the Internet. the service offered a great solution, which we are already implementing! The service helps save time and resources and it is very easy to use
    Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
    @alex_brankovich, thank you for sharing your experience! I'm so happy to hear that Pythia could help you!
    Elliot Volkman

    Marketing at Drata

    3 reviews
    I had the opportunity to chat with Mary a few months back when Pythia was being finalized, and I was super impressed with what they already had in flight. I'm so excited to see this out into the world, especially when finding software is such an arduous task.
    Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
    Thank you, Elliot! We will be happy to keep you updated!
    Cool suggestions of the services I didn't know of! However, I was tempted to stop answering the questions, because I didn't know how many there would be (in my case there were only 3 clarifying question before the final recommendation). Would be cool to know the approximate number in advance, like 2-4 questions. Expecting Pythia to get some knowledge about the services I already use - maybe like a catalogue of them in my user profile.
    Natella Nuralieva
    Evgeniya, thank you so much for testing the app and providing such a great feedback. We do need to do a better job explaining the user on the start how Pythia operates. Great point about catalogues as well!
    Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
    Evgeniya, I also love your points! Thank you for this valuable feedback!
    Timur Arkhangelskiy
    Founder. Financial consulting company
    1 review
    Pythia is a great and very handy solution for business owners. It provides an incite on how you can automate your day-to-day activities and processes. Personally for me it gave a significant time saving result providing exact apps for my tasks. Now I can focus more on more strategic business issues rather than routine things! Wish all the best to the team and further development
    Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
    Thank you, Timur. I'm really glad that you like Pythia!
    Sandy Kong
    XTwin┃AI Writer┃AI Notebook┃ShopFlex
    13 reviews
    This tool is perfect for founders like myself who are looking to find relevant apps and gain valuable insights. All you have to do is describe your needs, budget, and preferences, and Pythia's AI model does all the heavy lifting. It analyzes the data and presents you with the most suitable solutions. One of the best parts about Pythia World is that it's completely free to use. Yes, you heard that right! You can access all its amazing features without spending a dime. Plus, the user interface is incredibly easy to navigate, making the whole experience hassle-free. Highly recommended to every founders.
    Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
    Sandy! Thank you very much for your feedback. I'm glad that Pythia can help you!
    2 reviews
    thank you so much for testing the app and providing such a great feedback. We do need to do a better job explaining the user on the start how Pythia operates. Great point about catalogues as well!
    Наталья Шейкина
    1 review
    Congrats! It's evident that makers have put in a tremendous amount of effort and research to make Pythia a game-changer 💫
    Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
    Nataly, thank you for your feedback!
    Alena Sikalova
    Head of research and development (R&D)
    1 review
    My most sincere congratulations! You are creating a product that I personally need! As a manager, I face challenges such as process optimization, improving team efficiency, and conducting market research. In theory, I suggest that there are tools out there that can make my job easier. However, the process of searching is exhausting. Besides, sometimes, I’m not sure what exactly I need because, let’s face it, technological development is too fast to follow. And we all have our routine tasks to do. With Pythia, I can find what I need quickly and easily! And that’s totally cool! Once again, congratulations and good luck! I will be following you.
    Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
    Alena, I'm really glad that you can benefit from Pythia! And thank you for highlighting a lot of different use cases! Please feel free to dm me if you need any additional features!
    So far i like the interface.