Prospect with Persana AI

GPT superpowers sales + recruiting prospecting on Linkedin
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The community submitted 4 reviews to tell us what they like about Prospect with Persana AI, what Prospect with Persana AI can do better, and more.
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4 Reviews
Max Yamp
Max Yamp
Founder @ One Click Labs
80 reviews
My favorite part about how advanced automated email and messaging is becoming is the fact that we're not only automating the writing part, but the reading too! But I digress. Anyone who isn't using tech like Persana's is going to fall behind very quickly indeed. 5/5.

Strategic marketing expertise.
18 reviews
Congratulate Persana AI Team. The innovative capabilities of your platform truly have the potential to revolutionize sales and recruitment prospecting. As an AI enthusiast myself, I'm thrilled to see the remarkable features you've incorporated into Persana AI. Its ability to generate personalized messaging, ask prospect-specific questions, provide instant insights, and utilize AI-powered search for lead generation is truly impressive. I believe this will greatly enhance outreach efforts and contribute to the success of countless businesses. Your dedication and hard work in creating such a powerful tool are commendable. I have no doubt that Persana AI will empower sales and recruitment professionals to achieve remarkable results, allowing them to supercharge their outreach and drive exceptional growth. Once again, congratulations on this remarkable achievement. Wishing you continued success in all your future endeavors! Best regards, Jignesh Bhatti

being human
19 reviews
How do I reach someone at Persana Ai for a cancellation and refund? I can not use this product.
Rush Shahani
Hi Adontai, please contact us at Happy to process a refund and also give you a free trial. Will also explain how to use it

Bharadwaj Giridhar
Quit my job to help you send good emails
8 reviews
This is amazing just dropped a mail to @sriya and @rushhour on your emails with some private feedback, but on the public side of things just wanted to comment that the ice-breakers have been awesome. A dashboard with all the replies aggregated through integration partners would be kickass!