The main strength of PingPing is its simplicity, and while this may be a con for some use cases, it makes everyone's life easier.
PingPing has a limited feature-set, but that's what makes it so great!
You don't get lost in there, PingPing just does what it's intended for: monitoring your website + SSL
I believe @pingpingapp hits a sweet-spot in the website monitoring space in terms of features and price.
Whenever one of my sites has gone offline, PingPing was there to notify me right away.
The user interface is simple to use and looks good on the eye. Also, I can give a monitor-specific live status page to my co-workers and customers, - so that they also know at every time if the site is down.
I would not only recommend PingPing to any company and person who fears that their sites could go down, but I've already recommended it to a bunch of people.
I was impressed by how polished and well thought out this simple tool is.
The decision to focus on doing one thing very well rather than diversify and try to be a all-in-one web monitoring toolbox was a good one, in my opinion.
Excited to see where this product goes over the next few months.
I have only tried it out for a personal side project, but will be recommending this at work.