Wow. This is really incredible! It's so rounded and well-done! Like Notion and Todoist in one :D
Going to give this a shot.
Edit, my feedback:
- Buttons need to be bigger!
- UX should be more intuitive. Clicking outside of a prompt should, for example, disable that prompt (hide it or something along those lines)
- When hovering over the button to mark as done, the mouse state should change. This is all basic accessibility!
- When in a board, when pressing the plus button in the bottom right, we're presented with a set of options. For whatever reason, at the VERY TOP of that list, the option 'Send feedback' is presented. Odd placement? Not intuitive
To me, a to-do app should be made as intuitive and easy to work with as possible at all times. Every micro-optimization matters. I'm missing a few of those. Would love to see more of those :)
Other than that, amazing work. Really, really, well done for a version one. Feels like a version 1.5 - 2! :D