

Flexible housing for remote workers
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The community submitted 31 reviews to tell us what they like about Orca, what Orca can do better, and more.
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31 Reviews
Warren Shaeffer
Co-founder, Knowable
2 reviews
I've been tracking Devan and Orca for several months and am really impressed with their speed and quality of execution. Disrupting the 12-month lease, especially as remote work becomes the norm, is a big idea -- Orca has a shot at making the global rental market more efficient for nomads and property owners alike. Very bullish on this team and concept. Congrats on the launch!
Michael Houck
30,000+ founders read my free newsletter
21 reviews
So excited for Orca to go live! What you're building resonates with me from when I was traveling around every month, but seems actually even more practical for now since I can really feel like a local in each city I choose to live in.
Joe Pacal
Joe Pacal

Founder & Leadership at Wonders AI

5 reviews
This is great, we nomads need more options in this space. AirBnB has gotten too expensive and inflexible for long-term rentals & local contracts can be quite shady. Love to see platform that has the security baked in with convenience and good pricing. We used a similar new platform a little while ago with some issues (happy to share my experience if that'd be helpful) — great to see an alternative! Are you proper live? Can I make a booking — particularly looking at SE asia next ;)
Pritesh Kiri
Business minded front end developer
53 reviews
Really loved the idea behind Orca Pass!! This is making the life of remote workers super easy in terms of stays. Congratulations on the launch @devansood
Sumanth Pandugula
Fan of tech and its evolution process.
1 review
@devansood Congrats on bringing Orca to the PH community, I have stayed at one of Orca's listings at Playa Del Carmen, Mexico and the place is great, Orca team definitely put a lot of thought into selecting listings for remote workers. Can't wait to see Orca helping a lot more digital nomads very soon. All the very Best.
Andy McCoy
1 review
Orca is awesome. I'm a member and have stayed in listings produced by Orca. I got to use the platform when searching for a place to stay in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I had such a rough time finding decent spots - didn't know if I could trust the reviews, if the host was actually good, if it was worth the price, etc. etc. When I booked through Orca, my experience couldn't have been better. The way they curate their listings actually makes it feel as though a friend is giving me a trustworthy recommendation, rather than relying on reviews from people I hardly know online. The team assisted me in every step of the rental (I had it for 5 weeks I believe) and consistently checked in to make sure my stay was exactly what I was looking for. Sick to see Orca getting recognition for their great product.
Haley Rohl
1 review
This is exactly what I have been waiting for. Orca pass hits the sweet spot between short term rentals and long term leases. It's perfect for me as a digital nomad and slow traveler as I stay in places on average from 1-3 months. They take the guess work out of finding a place I can commit to staying in for months at a time and I'm sure it will have all the amenities I need. The locations are great and the service is next level. I used Orca Pass while staying in LA for a month and it was a great experience. I will go to Orca first before other booking services.
Ryan Dudley


1 review
I grew up in Tulsa, OK and had not lived outside of Oklahoma for more than a month for 25 years.. It was finally time to see new things and journey up to SF for a few months but I knew absolutely 0 people there and looking for flexible housing was a nightmare. This is going to change the way we think about housing!
Mitch Voll
1 review
Devan, This is an truly amazing idea that will transform the way that people look at work and travel moving forward. No more will people be constrained to a certain geographical location to do something love. Travel frees the soul and opens your eyes to world around you! Keep up the great work ORCA team, I cannot wait to see what is to come in the future! Thanks,
Jeanine Suah
1 review
Orca Pass is awesome! To watch where the product was to now is insane! If you haven't voted yet, you 1000% should. As a world traveler, Orca Pass is definitely going to change the game! 👏🏾