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What do people think of Optery?

The community submitted 31 reviews to tell us what they like about Optery, what Optery can do better, and more.
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31 Reviews
1 review
They never get the job done and I felt like they won't remove anything unless I pay for a premium service. Scam artists.
Ben 182913
1 review
Optery keeps removing my reviews. COMPLETE SCAM! Stay away, service is useless.
This company is amazing. Customer support through email is fast & efficient. I feel like they really care. I can’t say enough good things really. I got the higher priced package after the initial package. It was worth it. Then, they lowered the price, so now it’s even worth it more. They always answer any questions I have & are professional. As a woman who doesn’t like information out there, I feel safer.
Lawrence Gentilello
Thanks so much for your positive feedback - our team works really hard for our customers every day and it means a lot to us when people share their positive feedback - we really appreciate it!
David Gleason
I'm a data nerd, chief data officer.
5 reviews
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Review of Optery
In my working life, I've seen first hand just how pervasive personal data collection has become, and some of the ways that data is being used...and most people would never imagine WHAT data is being harvested about them or HOW their data is being sold and used. There are things we as individuals can do to stop this, but it's incredibly time-consumig and frustrating having to constantly deal with these data brokers and request they delete your data. Optery is making this easy...it's something I'm recommending to my family members (who, let's be honest, would never bother to submit data deletion requests to all those brokers on their own). And I love that these folks are helping consumers reclaim some of their power in the data economy.
Joseph Luchs
Global Product Strategy at Amazon
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Review of Optery
Big fan of Optery! It makes it easy to remove your info from various people databases, and I've already noticed less spam (mail, phone calls, etc...) since I started using. Keep up the good work!
Brian Ivanovick
Presales Leader at ActionIQ
1 review
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Review of Optery
I was shocked by how many data brokers had my information and were selling it without my knowledge. Optery to the rescue. I've been impressed with how Optery automatically removes our household's information from these databases, all without asking for a lot from me. Optery helps me sleep better at night. Big fan.
Neal Pawar
1 review
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Review of Optery
Optery provides such an important capability - to remove your personal data from data sets that are being sold for marketing and other purposes. Since California created a law (CCPA) that starts to give US residents similar rights to the data protection rights we see in Europe. People will be amazed at how much information is available about them and Optery is a great way to get the peace of mind that your info isn't out there being sold to anyone who wants it. This is as important a tool for online personal security as a password manager!
John Finkelstein
Software Development
1 review
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Review of Optery
This is eye opening. Seems that the default 'user preference' of the internet is 'display my private info anywhere'. This product is essential as nobody has the time to contact all these different outlets. Great job!
Bryan M
Bryan M
1 review
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Review of Optery
Great product. I was surprised to see how much of my personal data was freely available online - and was subsequently removed by Optery!
Aleem Choudhry
Private equity investor
1 review
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Review of Optery
This product gives me great comfort that my sensitive information is more protected, especially in this day and age with increased cyber attacks. I love what Optery is doing!