this is really cool and I can see how it will both speed up the process to improve key growth metrics and improve them smarter (or however you say that). how do you handle A/B testing or message optimization within a segment? lots of magic in this product and the name is PERFECT.
Thanks for supporting our launch, Laura. You've brought up a great question, let me take a stab at answering it:
(i) A/B testing: Octopulse supports A/B testing using the widely used user-randomization based control/treatment setting. Segmentation, Content and Volume/Cadence are the key dimensions along which the experimentation happens.
(ii) Message Optimization: Octopulse consumes historical/previous notifications and emails, and uses machine learning and LLMs to recommend updated content that's likely to maximize conversion and retention. So, there is a continuous feedback-loop based learning that's happening in the background.
Does that answer your questions?
Octopulse AI