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The former Google executive, editorial director of Twitter and self-described introvert offers networking advice for anyone who has ever cancelled a coffee date due to social anxiety—about how to nurture a vibrant circle of reliable contacts without leaving your comfort zone.
How it works: 1️⃣ Complete your profile after logging in with LinkedIn or Facebook. 2️⃣ Post a meeting (shake) and specify professionals you want to meet. Accept or pass requests to join. 3️⃣ Search meeting titles using keywords. Request to join a shake and you’ll be notified when accepted. Available in CA, other areas pending.
Remote Company Finder lets you find remote teams where you can work synchronously with other team members. Enter your location and see remote companies who have the most locations in your time zone.
Remote.Team - online platform for managing team workflows and customer requests: private and public tasks/topics/surveys, activity statistics, guest access, livechat for the site, smart notification system, etc. Write to support for a 50% OFF, 6 months
Ditch the traditional 9-5 office experience and go hybrid with Luup. Share your hybrid work schedule, stay in the luup with your teammates, and get recommendations on the best days to head into the office.
You can now remote travel to places you need to go but you can't (no time, no money, don't like airplanes!). Request a Port guide on location to bring you on-site through a live video call. You instruct the guide where to go and what to do.