
Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library
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What is NextUI?
NextUI is the next-gen UI React library that allows you to make beautiful websites regardless of your design experience, comes with awesome features like Auto Dark Mode recognition, Themes support, easy customization, Best-in-class DX and much more.
Maker shoutouts
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NextUI components helped me build beautiful user interfaces.
We used their library to build our platform - would be impossible without the great components they designed!
Really Amazing UI library that helped boost the development by a lot.
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Recent launches

NextUI v2.0
NextUI is the next-gen UI React library that allows you to make beautiful websites regardless of your design experience, comes with features like multiple themes, effortless dark mode, easy customization, built-in A11y, best-in-class DX and much more.
NextUI is the next-gen UI React library that allows you to make beautiful websites regardless of your design experience, comes with awesome features like Auto Dark Mode recognition, Themes support, easy customization, Best-in-class DX and much more.