What do people think of Newsletters to Kindle?
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Yucel F. Sahan
⭐ Top reviewer
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Review of Newsletters to Kindle
I always dreamed to read my newsletter on my kindle; when I had one! Good one guys
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Review of Newsletters to Kindle
Been a user for a few months now and I love this product - i end up actually reading the newsletters I've signed up for instead of just archiving them! Congrats on the launch Jonathan And team 🎉
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Review of Newsletters to Kindle
Hey there! @joparisot, @ryan_washburne interesting idea. Good luck with the launch!
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Review of Newsletters to Kindle
some time ago I sign up some newsletters and forget to read them because mostly are lost in my mail box, the 'Newsletter to Kindle' just improve it for me delivering right on my device and beyond that providing a joyfull read experience.
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