The best alternatives to Newsletter Stack are LetterHunt, Insumo AI, and Sponsor This Newsletter. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed over 20 alternatives below.
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Best alternatives to Newsletter Stack
  • LetterHunt connects you to 10,000+ niche, active newsletter writers to promote your product. Find and partner with newsletters in your niche and unlock a new avenue for marketing your product/service. Newsletters are categorized along with engagement stats πŸ™Œ
  • Insumo, your lifeline to regain control. Got a task? Drop it in your inbox. Kick-start your day by allocating tasks from your inbox to your daily board in just five minutes. From there, timebox your schedule with a simple drag and drop. Insumo revolutionizes task management, customizing your day for optimal efficiency. Not only you can you seamlessly integrate tasks from Todoist and Asana directly into Insumo, but AI will also assist you in optimal timeboxing.
  • Get high-quality traffic from your audience's favorite newsletters. Explore the database with 100+ newsletters ready to promote your product. Sell without β€œselling”.
  • Discover the latest developer trends, explained in 5 minutes or less.
  • ❌ Marketing βœ… "Growth" marketing ❌ Hacking βœ… "Growth" Hacking A must read bi-weekly briefing of marketing knowledge, tools & learning resources for solopreneurs, and makers. Always stay on top of practical marketing knowledge.
  • A 201 guide for taking your newsletters to the next level β€” growing the lists, making money, and more.
  • Big News seamlessly combines different sources from across the web – like newsletters and RSS feeds – into one unified reading experience.
  • Be 1% better every week with hand-picked apps, books, threads, shortcuts, and articles delivered to your inbox.
  • Get a weekly email on Fridays that summarizes the 5 best newsletter posts of the week. Read it in less than 5 minutes total. Featuring great writers covering tech, culture, and more.
  • Marketer Milk helps marketers discover the latest marketing news, resources, and guides. Every weekday, we add 5 new links to our growing library of marketing content β€” curated from various creators around the web.
  • Curating content from a half of a thousand news feeds, from dozens of email newsletters, from hundreds of designer profiles over the place like Behance, Dribbble, Medium, Facebook, Webflow, and from a large cozy stock of the Notion library.
  • Create personal email digest from the sources across the web. The simplest way to follow the news across the web.
  • You’ve found The Stage! A daily email lottery where lucky winners get to introduce themselves and share one link with the entire list. Doors open when we reach 10,000 audience members β€” so please share πŸ™ Backstory:
  • Notebooks written in a narrative style, easy to read, downloadable, with datasets included, code snippets, clear outputs per cell and with the format that all data scientists love:ipynb files!
  • We are building the future of organic growth for SaaS businesses.
  • StudyDigest allows you to start learning smarter today by providing you with a free weekly newsletter with free study guides to improve your academic skills.
  • Submit and vote on the best of Substack and other newsletter platforms. Find the best independent writing on the web.
  • Timeless is an app where you can discover and share the BEST highlights and interesting takes of any topic under the short text format. You can discover the best tweets/quotes of all time from VC, founders, scientists, philosophers... on our feed.
  • Mzungu is a newsletter written by M. E. Rothwell that covers the people, history, art, architecture, and general scrapes he encounters on the road. Past pieces include playing ball with Maasai Warriors and Halloween at Dracula's Castle. Subscribe for free.
  • Our newsletter service curates news and information tailored to your interests and delivered at your convenience. Includes tweets, stock trends, book summaries and more. Sign up now and simplify your news feed, reduce FOMO and save time.