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While the scanner is a big (see: pricey) investment, the scan quality, precise measurements, objective comparisons, real-world motivation, and high-quality hardware make the purchase well worth it.
If you have questions (or comments), feel free to comment on my review!
[Actually I've been using it 3 months but there's no option for that]
I've been a Naked tester since April. The initial advantage of Naked over any other approach to body measurement is being able to see and measure the impact of a localized muscle program (e.g. seeing calf / bicep diameter change). Also, seeing my hips/waistline shrink never gets old.
The broader effect that only sinks in once you spend time with it is in knowing that you have to stand in front of it (nearly) naked the next day. Always in the back of my head is the thought that I'll scan tomorrow. Naked is so accurate that skipping too many workouts or eating unhealthily shows up quickly both in my numbers and in my 3D model.
So as a commitment device, it has functioned a lot like a human personal trainer might. It kept me on a flawless 60-day fitness challenge for the first time in my life.
As a side benefit, it's sleek and attractive, fits neatly into the space where I used to have my bathroom scale and adds a full-length mirror where I lacked one before.
It's changing my relationship with my body and the idea of what a mirror is.
I‘m a pre-order customer so have yet to receive my product, but I have been scanned multiple times at trade shows and in the Naked Labs office. Having this type of data about my body easily accessible to me at home will help to plan my workouts and understand how my body changes.
From reading the news breaking this week i look forward to new features and programs that are being introduced over the next year.
I became a beta tester for Naked about a year and a half before launch. Without a shadow of a doubt, Naked has helped keep me motivated far beyond any other weight loss or fitness regimen has in the past. In the past I would see the weight fall off pretty quickly, but then just as quickly I'd plateau. Little did I know, I was still making progress but the scale never showed me the progress. With Naked I was able to see that I was still losing fat while gaining muscle and, in fact, making very real progress. Not only that, I was able to see side-by-side scans over time to see subtle changes that one simply cannot see in the mirror or even with photographs since conditions are never identical when taking a picture.
Over a year I lost about 40 pounds, including gaining over 15 pounds of muscle. At one point I started gaining back the pounds for a net loss of about 35 pounds, which in the past would have really frightened me. With Naked, I see that this gain is attributed to even more muscle gain and a decrease in body fat percentage.
Sure you can get a hydrostatic dunk test or a DXA scan every so often, but the hassle of scheduling appointments at some site or even having to submerge yourself in water in the case of a dunk test, is a pain and not sustainable long term. Having the Naked in the home is nice and easy and you can scan yourself whenever you please. Plus it doubles as a pretty full-length mirror when you're not scanning yourself!
I have been a beta tester for Naked for about a year and have been able to track my body composition progress over that time. It has been incredible to see results in a level of detail that I have not had access to before. As someone who likes to keep track of my body fat %, I’m excited to have a product that I can use at home and not have to schedule and pay for DXA scans.
First of its kind, I love mine! I have been a beta tester for this for the last 3 months. Now I wouldn’t want to be without it. Super easy to set up and use. Tracks and stores your body scans so you can compare them over time and actually see that your body is making changes. Rather you are trying to maintai, lose weight, or gain muscle this scanner will keep track
I am not a sophisticated user of technology. I have been a beta tester for about 5- 6 months. Even in that time, I have witnessed this product improve to what it is today. It is an amazing product with so many potential applications.