Share your thoughts on Movies & TV with rich content and a community of those that share your undefinable taste. Create Collections, add to your Watchlist and never settle with that show you've binged twice already.
Neverthink makes finding what to watch online as easy as turning on a TV, we call it "Distraction on Demand"
CineTrak lets you find the best Movies and TV Shows, build your watchlists and check reviews and ratings from multiple sources such as Trakt, IMDB, Metacritic, and Rotten Tomatoes. CineTrak is built on Google Material Design and offers a gamified environment which makes watching Movies and TV shows more fun and entertaining.
Youpine is reinventing the way books and movies are reviewed to make the process quick and fun. Describing content by using sentiments makes a short review and this data can be aggregated into consensus.
On Set! is an app that makes finding filming locations easy. Whether it's a movie or show, you can search through out database to see what locations you can visit!
Morfilms helps you organise your upcoming movies list and checks how many days are left until each movie is released in your country. Enable movie release notifications so you don't miss out. You can also add films already released and use it as a simple watchlist.