Want to reduce your expenses? Or understand where your earnings go? Join the thousands to manage your budget in a brand-new way. Adding spendings have never been that easy! Save not only your money, but time as well.
You don't need to have a complicated diary to manage your money. It only stresses that you have to keep your balance straight every time. To manage your money well, manage your spending. All you have to do is make a budget, enter your spending, and that's it. Taler is a simplified money manager that keeps track of budgets and expenses.
Monetal is my vision of the personal finance application. It uses "tap-tap-tap" technology, which is very fast way to add new transactions. It supports three main platforms, takes 5Mb, free from ads and doesn't required any registration. It contains all your data offline, which will be around 500Kb for 5 years. I hope you'll like it. Thank you.
Have you every wondered where your money goes? Expense Tracker helps you to track your regular expenses, from your Netflix subscription to your rent, and shows you what those expenses are costing you per day, week, month, and year.
A minimal expense tracker app to track all your daily income & expenses without any hassle. Expenso is under active development. So i'm planning to add lot of useful features. If you want to contribute or sponsor to this project it will be great though 👍
Join The Wealth Pool to help you plan and make better financial decisions by benchmarking your financial health against “pools” of original, crowdsourced household data. ⠀ Learn how others manage their finances to help better handle your own.
Once we asked ourselves, 'Why are expense trackers so expensive?' We decided to correct this unfairness and ready to present to your attention the first completely free expense tracker.