Moments Wrapped

Moments Wrapped

spotify wrapped for your photo library
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What is Moments Wrapped?
Your photo library has a bunch of interesting things to tell you: 🌎 how many countries you visited ✈️ how many miles you traveled 🏑 how anti-social you were in 2020 πŸš€ how fast you like your pictures..and a special treat if you sign-up on launch day πŸ‘€
Moments Wrapped media 1

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Moments Wrapped
Your photo library has a bunch of interesting things to tell you: 🌎 how many countries you visited ✈️ how many miles you traveled 🏑 how anti-social you were in 2020 πŸš€ how fast you like your pictures ...and a special treat if you sign-up on launch day πŸ‘€
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