Making Twitter Friends

Making Twitter Friends

A free email course to build genuine relationships.
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12 Reviews

Indie maker

6 reviews
Kevon has really outdone himself with the Making Twitter Friends email course series. It's a great entry into understanding relationships on Twitter, and I shamelessly plug it every chance I can! If you haven't signed up, what are you waiting for!? It's a free email course to improve relations with Twitter connections.
Yihui Chan
1 review
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What's Twitter if it's not for making friends? I highly recommend Kevon's course! You don't just absorb the content - each day includes great examples and homework for you to complete before the next one. So it's definitely an actionable course for anyone to learn from. Get ready to make some long-lasting friendships! 🌻
Cam Sloan
Cam Sloan
Indie Maker
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@kevonc has the right approach to Twitter with this course. It's not about vanity metrics, it's about relationships. This email course is a perfect mix of being actionable while at the same time teaching you a new way of thinking about social networking that no other course creators are focusing on right now.
Moemin Mamdouh 👨‍💻
Product Designer
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Love that you're finally putting this out on PH, Kevin! I hope this is the start of a great building in public community! :)
Felix Wong
Entrepreneur. Growth marketer. Designer.
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Product Growth & Marketing
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Denis Lin
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Pankhudi Kedia
Marketing @DSHIndia. Building @Acapella.
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