Medical issues may arise in any shape or form, and knowing what to do is never easy. Our pets cannot speak to us - so the age-old question of “Do I need to bring my pet to the vet?” can be very difficult to answer. Here comes our pet symptom checker.
Whistle 3 is a top-rated GPS location and activity tracker for your pet. The Whistle device attaches to your pet's collar and, through an app, makes it easy to track your pet's location, distance traveled, activity, rest, and much more.
Assess every common pet symptom at the comfort of your home. Receive a definitive and accurate triage on how severe your pet’s symptoms are before deciding to go to a vet. Buddydoc, the first step before the vet!
A telemedicine solution that empowers pet parents to provide the best care for their pet by engaging their vet with the right information, at the right time. Our free vet-validated symptom analysis tool is available 24/7 and delivers on-point insight, ensuring they make an informed decision about the need for veterinary care.
Our simple web app allows users to turn photos of their pets into art using AI. After uploading 12-20 photos, users get back 90+ digital art pieces of their pet in a range of styles. The service is completely free!
myBalto gives owners 24/7 access to their pet's records, and saves them money on common pet products. myBalto also has a tier-based rewards system where owners can participate in our community and earn "treats" to help pay their vet bills!
Our idea is to monitor the psychophysiological data of the user through Smart Fabricia Using IoT (SfUIT), a hybrid product is worn by user and displays users health status in a Web App. SfUIT is combination of hardware and SAAS.