SendGrid Email Analytics by Keen IO is the fastest way to analyze the performance of your email campaigns and take action. Compare campaigns and tests and download a list of users who performed any action. Use downloaded lists to keep your lists clean and drive up email performance with better campaigns.
FAM writes, designs, and sends all your emails to the right subscribers at the right time. It’s like having a full-time marketer that runs email marketing for your Shopify business — without the cost (and the headaches) of hiring a full-time employee.
Doubletick is a Free and Unlimited email tracking tool for Gmail and G-Suite, adds double checkmarks ✔✔ to your mail if it is read by the recipient (Just like WhatsApp) and notifies you with real-time notification.
Create real, private email addresses on demand. Send and receive emails and attachments in application code and integration tests. Intuitive REST APIs and SDK Libraries. Free for personal use.
Mailsnag allows you to develop robust SMTP integrations while safeguarding against unintentional spamming of customers during testing on QA and Staging environments. Error and delay simulation helps you find unsafe code during testing.
Adds inbox and sent email metadata into spreadsheet rows and creates charts to help analyze data. Can parse values from inside email body to a separate columns. Automatically adds data daily or hourly.
Secure email QA tool for IT product & service companies to test & improve email delivery, quality & compatibility. One stop email testing platform which helps reduce the costs associated with email workflow testing.
Just like Google Docs, Spreadsheets & Slides, with Mailie emails are now sharable. Use this Chrome Extension to create sharable links to any thread in Gmail - for announcements, documentation, discussions.
Mailmust provides reliable and affordable email marketing service that ensures delivery of your promotional emails. It is complete Email Marketing Solution. Get 20% off on any plan with coupon code PRODUCTHUNT20 Try us for free.
Eval-i is a medical device and consumer product development app designed to streamline the process of taking an idea from clinical need or consumer problem to market. From market research to regulatory submissions, Eval-i has the key information.