Just started using it and I am looking forward to the auto-track feature.
I'm using Klokki to keep track of my side spent on side projects and have had zero issues with it. It just works!
I have been working with Klokki for a while now and I loved it. It helped me keep track of the time spent on client projects. Exporting my reports to send to the client is easy as a breeze 🌊
Been using klokki for a while now and I really love it. Creating rules for autotracking is pretty easy and klokki just works which is amazing! One of the issues I had with tracking apps was forgetting to stop the clock when I left my desk, but klokki solves this problem beautifully! If you stopped working on something for more than x minutes (you can set it up) klokki will popup a window and asks if you want to stop the timer on that time. Press a button and done! So yeah can't really point anything wrong with the app. Great work 👍
I really hope these things come out in the future and am very excited about this product, I am currently testing it out and may be replacing my previous time tracker.