

Business Dashboard Software for Everyone
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What do people think of Klipfolio?

The community submitted 27 reviews to tell us what they like about Klipfolio, what Klipfolio can do better, and more.
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27 Reviews
Chris Moyer
CTO, Cannabiz Media
1 review
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Review of Klipfolio

Klipfolio is our go-to solution for BI and dashboard reports. We dropped Tableau when we realized all we really needed was simple dashboards that could access our live data.

Lauren Thibodeau
Enabling B2B SaaS to increase revenue.
3 reviews
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Truly makes the complex simple for the whole metrics lifecycle - from learning about metrics, to connecting to your data to track them, to visualizing and gaining actionable insights from them.
Jeremy Fecteau
Marketing and Video Production Agency
1 review
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I've been testing power metrics to help keep track of my agency's performance. It's a great tool to help me automatically update my client's ad results. So far it's helped me save time and make more educated decisions!
Kailin Noivo
2 reviews
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Fantastic! I think data is super important for every business and this is a very effective way to do that!
Brandon Waselnuk

Founder & Leadership

3 reviews
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Almabek Mamedaliyev
Sales, Enterpreneur, Father, Tech
1 review
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Liked very much how does it look! This is WOW! So modern, stylish and sexy!!! In addition, it is really powerful. Recently tried and would recommend it to everyone who loves and feels data.
Michael Schneider
4 reviews
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What a great tool for smb and SaaS companies. This a competition to any data analyst.
Josh Rozin
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Sarah Wong
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Katya Zeisig
SEO, Marketing Automation, Equality
1 review
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