KleanMail Free Email Verifier

KleanMail Free Email Verifier

Emails inboxed, always.
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The community submitted 2 reviews to tell us what they like about KleanMail Free Email Verifier , what KleanMail Free Email Verifier can do better, and more.
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2 Reviews
Parth Padaliya

Data & Analytics

1 review
Don't use it. It's fraud. Platform not working from last 2-3 months. Most of time it's down with technical error and when it's running it we are getting around 15-17% hard bounce even after cleaning data using kleanmail.
Shriya Mahule
I'm sorry to hear that you've had a negative experience with the platform. We take user feedback seriously, and I appreciate you sharing your concerns. Regarding the high hard bounce rate, we're constantly striving to enhance our data cleaning processes and ensure that you get better results. We're here to help and make sure you have a more positive experience in the future. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to resolve these issues.
Daniel Gallardo
1 review
Biju, I bought the LFD, but when trying to add candidates in bulk, the system does not give me the option to load the excel. I urgently need to be able to use the platform. I also don't see a place where I can have support.
Biju Nambiar
I understand this is sorted offline with you and Thank you for your testimonial. Appreciate your kind words.