Journey app

Social network that pushes you toward your goals
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27 Reviews
Orlando Carmo
Orlando from north of Portugal.
1 review
Katelyn Donnelly

Founder & Leadership

6 reviews
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Review of Journey app
So helpful to have a supportive network on the quest to better-self knowledge and improvement! Love the visual interface of this motivating community.
Ryan Bartle
1 review
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Review of Journey app
If there is something you have wanted to do for ages, but can't find the motivation, then Journey is for you. I always wanted to learn the guitar... now I have a group of likeminded people to help me on my journey.
Elise Bathurst
1 review
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Review of Journey app
Journey is the only social media app I’ve found where you can: share your interests and passions; set, achieve and celebrate your goals and milestones; as well as have like minded people join you on the journey. Through the use of maps and journey categories, the app gives you access to the content you want to see, to help you on your own personal journey, all while creating an inclusive supportive community.
Beth Radford
Geometric artist.
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Review of Journey app
Okay. I have started using this and I love it. Five stars for ease of use/interface. It's a pretty app and easy to navigate even though there's a lot of functionality. It is already proving to be a great motivator, which is exactly what I need. It has helped me get started on the massive goal in front of me by breaking it into bite-sized pieces. I already feel like I'm on my way. Looking forward to connecting with others walking a similar path. Thanks Luke and the team at Journey. Great product.
Nick Lester
1 review
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Review of Journey app
Great App! Just starting to learn to snowboard and with this app I can connect with people on the same path... So good! Keep up the good work!
Nichola Quail
Startup founder. Market Researcher
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Review of Journey app
Inspirational and easy to use. An easy way to keep you motivated and connect with others following a similar path.
Didar Korkembay
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Review of Journey app
Angus Ingham
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