Intercom for Startups
Intercom for Startups โ€” Startups get 90% off Intercom, the AI-first customer service platform
Best alternatives to Jobed
  • Our AI algorithm generates high-quality job descriptions to help businesses identify the right skills for a job, stand out and attract the best talent. Save up to 80% of your time: just type in a job title and get a compelling text in under 5 minutes! FREE!
  • Job Description is an AI-based service utilising GPT-3 to generate high-quality professional job descriptions for businesses attracting the best talent. Generate professional job descriptions in seconds. No previous writing experience required.
  • Effortlessly create job descriptions to attract more applicants and referrals with Recrooitโ€™s job description AI generator. After working with 200+ companies, we figured many are struggling with job descriptions, so we built a free, AI-powered tool to do it for you ๐Ÿ“