"I've been using IDEs from JetBrains such as CLion, IntelliJ IDEA, TeamCity, etc. for many years. As a software developer I enjoy using them. It's very comfortable to write code, run, debug, analyze, navigate."
"I exclusively used vim for two years and emacs for three. I had a >2k line emacs config. I love customization, but JetBrains won me over in 2020 because its smart completion was so good I didn't even need to learn new languages to use them. I could use new frameworks without shopping for plugins first. I have used VSCode remote development, but I always return to the JetBrains suite because it configures things I wouldn't have thought about."
"We end on a sad note, AppCode being discontinued, but I personally am haging on while I still can (writing in appcode, building in xcode). There's no IDE for me that comes close."