

What do people think of InstaMon?

The community submitted 30 reviews to tell us what they like about InstaMon, what InstaMon can do better, and more.
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30 Reviews
JD Crabtree
Yaguara + Huge Dire Straits fan
7 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of InstaMon
What is even the point of creating this "product"? This will be a net-negative, no doubt. Also the creator's solution to those being harassed and stalked via this tool is to "just turn their account on private." What a wonderful tool this must be if this is a common result of its usage.
Luke Jones
Product Design & Research
1 review
Does not recommend this product
Review of InstaMon
I don't know that monitoring other peoples' Instagram accounts is a good stance on privacy. The nature of your product means your users can't be held accountable for any inappropriate monitoring. My wife has a very real stalker with a restraining order, and this is *exactly* the kind of application he or anybody else would abuse. It's great that you published this product, but some products are better left not out in the open, you know? I'm hoping Instagram come forward and block it.
Volkan Kaya
Founder of Versoly
31 reviews
Recommended this product
Review of InstaMon
Simple product. Does exactly what it says it does. Look forward to future improvements.
Pedro Marques
3 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of InstaMon
If you really cared about making this for brands and not for stalking you should only allow Business accounts to be tracked. You know this will be used for bad things and you are ok with it. You explicitly state that this is to track friends, family and partners and this is not ok. Take responsibility and take this down.
John Hanawalt
Designer, troublemaker 🌈
1 review
Does not recommend this product
Review of InstaMon
Whatever value this product has for marketing is outweighed by it's potential for abuse—stalking and harassment. When an Instagram user wants updates about when his ex posts now, for instance, he has to be following her. So she knows he can watch her posts and has the power to block him. InstaMon completely circumvents what little control people have in these situations, and is only contributing to a world in which one bad actor can force a person (usually from a marginalized group) out of the public online square. ("Because if you don't want to be stalked, you can always lock your account.") It's clear from his comments the creator doesn't see the issue and doesn't have a plan for dealing with abuse. But when you're creating someone that automates existing behaviors on a platform and one of those behaviors is abuse, it's your responsibility to have a plan for addressing it.
Nathan Lawrence
Engineering at Nighthawk App
7 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of InstaMon
This is a product designed entirely around the central premise of not being held accountable for the ways you observe other people online. Reconsider.
Stewart Scott-Curran
5 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of InstaMon
Not release it. This product will be used by men to harass and stalk women on the internet.
Jeremy Wagner
Web developer, author, and speaker.
1 review
Does not recommend this product
Review of InstaMon
This tool is a *terrible* idea. I can't imagine how this tool doesn't violate Instagram's ToS, but regardless, it still has high potential to be abused by bad actors to stalk and harass people. Stalking precedes threatening behavior and sometimes even violence. If you found that a user on Instagram was seriously injured or killed by someone who stalked them using InstaMon, what would you think your culpability in that would be?
Here Come the FOMO Plows
Datapunk goblin cyborg
1 review
Does not recommend this product
Review of InstaMon
This app is in violation of items 24, 26, and 27 of instagram's platform policy (at least, and probably the privacy policy but I didn't check).
Joshua Kidd
Developer @ G33Kidd Studios
3 reviews
Recommended this product
Review of InstaMon