Feather is a collection of simply beautiful open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with an emphasis on simplicity, consistency and readability.
Streamline 3.0 is the world’s largest icon pack. Weighing in at over 30,000 icons, 3 unique weights, 53 categories, and 720 subcategories. Download 30,000 Free PNG icons or buy the premium vector pack (iconjarsketchfigxdsvgaipdfpng files).
IconScout is a design resources marketplace for icons, illustrations, 3D assets and Lottie animations. Powered by a community of passionate designers, IconScout is the simplest way to sell, share & exchange design assets to a worldwide audience.
Mapbox is an American provider of custom online maps, navigation, address search, and location data for websites and applications such as Foursquare, Lonely Planet, Facebook, the Financial Times, The Weather Channel and Snapchat.
1010 High quality collection of icons in 3 different styles, for websites, apps, presentations and bootstrap landing page for you and your business, built with Sketch app.
Logobook is curated by Svizra, a growing community of international branding designers. Our ambition is to improve global design standards in logo and identity design, and encourage businesses and designers to create original logo designs. Sharing the worlds finest logos, symbols and trademarks, Logobook is a source of inspiration for designers, entrepreneurs and anyone who simply loves logos.
Norde Source detects all the different colors in your icon set and lets you change a particular color once for the whole set. Along with organizing, searching, resizing and more.