The only Visual Collaboration platform built for enterprise-wide collaboration. Freehand by InVision is exclusively designed to help all teams unlock productivity, insight, and connection.
Streamline 3.0 is the world’s largest icon pack. Weighing in at over 30,000 icons, 3 unique weights, 53 categories, and 720 subcategories. Download 30,000 Free PNG icons or buy the premium vector pack (iconjarsketchfigxdsvgaipdfpng files).
Basicons is a curation of basic icons for product design and developement. Designed with care & precision. Updated & refined weekly. Basicons is designed on a 24x24 grid, with the strokes intact for high customization.
Flight is an animated icon pack built for iOS, Android, Web (using the Lottie Framework) and Video. Built on the back of Feather Icon by @colebemis. Each icon has agif &json and the After Effects Project is available.
Consisting of 2000+ top-quality icons, Epicons premium allows you to strengthen your modern user interface (UI) designs. Useful for mobile & web development as well as print products.