Standuply is the #1 Standup Bot. It runs asynchronous stand-up & retrospective meetings, Slack polls, and tracks team performance to automate your Agile processes.
See a map of all the confirmed and user submitted reports of COVID-19. See hyper localized growth, 1 week predictions for cases, country comparisons, and more.
Access data on COVID19 through an easy API for free. Build dashboards, mobile apps or integrate in to other applications. Data is sourced from Johns Hopkins CSSE
CoronaWhy is an international group of 300+ volunteers whose mission is to improve global coordination and analysis of all available data pertinent to the COVID-19 outbreak and ensure all findings reach those who need them.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus, better known as the coronavirus, shuts down public life worldwide. Governments are calling on people to be careful and avoid contact as much as possible. So just stay at home.
Help slow the spread of COVID-19 by self-reporting your symptoms daily, even if you feel well. Join millions of people supporting scientists at King’s College London, Stanford, Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital to understand and fight the coronavirus
Operation Masks is a non-profit created by a group of entrepreneurs in healthcare, technology and logistics who want to contribute to the fight against COVID-19. is an easy way to track your health during COVID-19 whilst also providing Drs with life saving data. It takes just 60 seconds a day with the data you share sent directly to those working on the frontline.
Designed with data security and privacy protection at its heart, MIT Private Kit is the next generation of secure location logging. Data never leaves your device without your consent.
If you had close contact with a COVID-19 case, whether or not you know the person, TraceTogether helps contact tracers call you more quickly. Being contacted earlier allows us to better protect those around us, reducing the spread of COVID-19.
Find out if you're eligible for CODIV-19 testing by based on your province's guidelines. Find the nearest designated COVID-19 assessment centre in your area. Follow the latest tweets from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada and government accounts.
🤳🦠 “Busted” is the TINDER FOR VIRUSES. It is an Android app that wants to help you in understanding your symptoms while building a personal health history. It's easy: 1) Swipe your symptoms 2) Get instant results 3) Build your health history
Preventiv uses Bluetooth LE to keep you safe when social distancing is not possible. Receive instant alerts when you are exposed to COVID-19 in public environments. Download the Android app today and the iOS app is coming soon!