Codela, is developing a cloud based solution to help companies who are trying to hire software developers, assess their candidates' technical knowledge with automated online coding interviews.
Get expert interview prep for tech roles like product management, engineering, and data science. Practice the most common product management and software engineering interview questions. Learn how to become a PM at Google, Facebook, or Amazon using our...
Coderslang is a collection of free study materials to learn programming languages like Javascript, Java, Node.js, React.js and more. Coderslang creates a personalized learning path of education that fits into your daily routine and keeps you motivated.
Myskillwall is a web tool that transforms every resume into a standard and colored matrix. Thanks to the Bloom Taxonomy and our algorithms all the skills, the strong and the weak areas of a resume are highlighted. Upload your resume, follow the instructions to build your own Skill Wall and receive for free a proposal to improve your job interview.
Retorio is an AI-powered, personality assessment tool for remote hiring. We help candidates to prepare for job interviews and recruiters to get in-depth insights. You submit a short video, our AI detects behavioural cues, creating a Big 5 personality profile.
Stress less, focus better. This planner has 2 core features: 1. Career Path Evaluation 2. Safety Net Calculator Full video walkthrough: