This is a super cool product in this industry ever!!
I strongly recommend all of you to try this out!! :p
I'd like to recommend this product to all VR/AR deveolopers strongly!!
I'm AR Developper. Unity Engineer.
Heymesh is good to search 3D model.
I found a nice room model. Thanks.
Just signed up yesterday after I saw the launching press, but I immediately see the value prop for this. When I did VR project, I faced the issue to find great references and after all took a lot of time to figure it out. Would like to use heymesh to find a good 3D Model for the next project.
I was so surprised about the number of 3D models for VR gaming.
I will definitely use it and create more games using those models!
Congratulations!! Founder is also one of the best growth hacker in Japan. I'm looking forward to updating.