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  • Graphite


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    What do people think of Graphite?

    The community submitted 65 reviews to tell us what they like about Graphite, what Graphite can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Graphite?
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    5/5All time (65 reviews)
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    65 Reviews
    Siva Siva
    Siva Siva
    1 review
    Can't go back to regular PRs after Graphite
    Carissa Jansen
    Thank you so much Siva! Glad to hear that and please let me know if you have any other feedback on Graphite :)
    ruu kes
    ruu kes
    Rudra Keshwani
    1 review
    Good product I love using it
    Carl Gao
    Carl Gao
    Software Engineer in NYC!
    1 review
    Stacking code changes has been such a game changer that I wouldn't even consider working at a company where this developer workflow doesn't exist. Code reviewing without Graphite is like code reviewing with a typewriter instead of a computer. If you want to 1. multiply developer velocity 2. attract the best technical talent, use Graphite.
    Carissa Jansen
    Thanks so much Carl! We use Graphite every day and it's a game changer for us too. Loving the typewriter analogy 💻
    Dominic Scheirlinck
    NZ-based Software Engineer
    2 reviews
    I find Graphite really useful - and the recent changes they've made (simplifying subcommands, etc.) in the move toward 1.x are really nice. I use Graphite stacks to deliver large features faster, in smaller increments.
    Jacob Gold
    eng @ graphite
    5 reviews
    I'm a little biased, but the way I like to put it to people is "I work at Graphite because I would absolutely need it if I worked anywhere else." I'm quite happy I've never worked anywhere without this kind of tooling, because without it, software engineering would be nowhere near as fun or productive.
    Pranathi Peri
    Thanks Jacob <3
    Tom Hicks
    Tom Hicks
    2 reviews
    I don't think I've ever posted on a ProductHunt launch except ones I've been involved in or know the makers personally, but I happily make an exception for Graphite. I run `gt rs && gt sr && gt ss` every time I see a new merge to main, automatically rebasing all my work on top of any other changes, so I never have any big conflicts to deal with, and can continue to ship smaller PRs. Everyone who uses it where I work loves it, including some ex-Facebook folks who miss their stacked diffs from Phabricator. It's not an exaggeration to say that using Graphite makes our codebase better, PRs easier and saves me tonnes of time. Congratulations to the team and I wish you every success!
    Yasyf Mohamedali
    CEO @ Sym
    7 reviews
    Using Graphite totally changed how we did collaboration at @symops. Stacked diffs and all the associated tooling was always the one thing I missed from big tech. No more!! My favorite part is I don't even need my whole team to be using it to see the benefit (tho that of course helps).
    Stephen Turban
    Co-founder of Lumiere
    2 reviews
    I have been really impressed with Graphite's team - they move super quickly to improve the product! Very exciting to see so many people using the product.
    Pranathi Peri
    Thank you Stephen!! We try our best to be super responsive and receptive to customer feedback in our Slack community - often times they're the driving force behind the features we prioritize!
    Neil Lutsky


    2 reviews
    A genuine contribution to coding productivity.
    Carissa Jansen
    Thank you Neil! Appreciate the kind words 🙂
    Brandon McConnell
    Full-Stack Developer + UI/UX Designer
    8 reviews
    An indispensable tool for managing complex repos collaboratively. I reach for it daily.