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The community submitted 71 reviews to tell us what they like about Graphcool, what Graphcool can do better, and more.
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71 Reviews
Petr Bela
Petr Bela

Founder & Leadership at Zealous

7 reviews
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Review of Prisma

I have followed the team pretty much since they launched the beta of Graphcool more than two years ago. Since then I've watched them iterate on the product, rewrite it, write a ton of open-source libraries, and rewrite it again to deliver the best tool to build your own GraphQL server.

The GraphQL community today stands on three pillars: Apollo, Prisma, and Facebook itself. It's amazing to see these guys evolve the product and take the company to the next stage.

Phil Pluckthun
DevRel @ Formidable
8 reviews
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Review of Prisma ORM
I've been following Prisma from the early days and their journey has been amazing; seeing Prisma ORM feels like a natural conclusion to this journey, ending up at a nice balance where they're maximising the number of people they can reach & help and still stay true to the tech they care about. The Prisma ORM has been evolving with features very quickly and has become a go to tool in a short amount of time for many, including myself, from anything from prototyping to serious projects, which is not something that's common or to scoff at in the context of databases and data tooling.
Sara Vieira
Front End Developer
3 reviews
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Review of Prisma

I have been using prisma for a long time and before that graphcool and for my experience it's amazing!


©They are also all incredi people !

Dominik Ferber
Making stuff
3 reviews
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Review of Prisma

I never had a database/backend up and running so fast. Especially loving the new architecture which gives full flexibility to the developer regarding authentication of users and authorisation to change/access data. It is also easy to integrate data from other services into the own API, no vendor lock in at all!

I recently reported an issue on a Friday afternoon on GitHub and it was solved within 24 hours, which is just great.

I can really recommend Prisma!

Matic Zavadlal
1 review
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Review of Prisma

I love the way Prisma allows me to describe my data model definitively. Backed by powerful server stack, it is super easy to bring power of GraphQL to my projects. It thoroughly changed the way I approach creating applications.

Kees Kluskens
Software developer / "Product developer"
3 reviews
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Review of Prisma

I've used Prisma in a project and it's working great so far! The docs are very good, support is really good (they really think along with you), and the Slack community is active.

While I'd recommend Prisma Cloud, you can also host it yourself. This is a huge deal if you can't use their cloud e.g. due to compliance reasons. I also really appreciate everything that Prisma does for the GraphQL community, packages like graphql-yoga and graphql-import. This really improves the trust I have in the company.

One area that I'd really love to see improvements on is migrations. For example, you have a "lastLogin" field on the user but you want to move this to a separate SQL table without losing data. It might be out-of-scope for Prisma, so this could be a nice opportunity for another OSS package.

Prisma already has a lot of good examples on how to do auth, etc. I look forward to even more real-world examples.

Gauthier Rodaro
1 review
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Review of Prisma

With a few lines of code your app is up and running with a great stack.

6 reviews
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Review of Prisma

We are using Prisma in production and we are supper happy with it. Prisma offers great flexibility in creating rich APIs. We have prisma 3 months in production and had no problems at all.

Prisma is backed by great team and provides a lot of sources in bleeding edge technology world.

Radoslav Stankov
CTO @ AngryBuilding
40 reviews
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Review of Prisma
Christian Nwamba
Developer Advocate
3 reviews
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Review of Prisma

I have been shying away from building GraphQL servers because of how resolvers can get intimidating for complex scenarios. Prisma just made it dead simple with its bindings.
