I'm the maker of this service. It may be too expensive for some, but let's analyze the competition:
For this to be an "apples-to-apples" comparison, let's assume 2000 URLs indexed per day, on the Yearly plan:
goindex.me: $75/mo
indexely: $6000/mo (80x more expensive)
tagparrot: $258/mo (3.44x more expensive)
seoguard: $198/mo (2.64x more expensive)
indexwiz: $149/mo (1.98x more expensive)
indexedpro: $130 (1.75x more expensive)
foudroyer: $119/mo (1.59x more expensive)
The comparison isn't just, though. None of these competitors offers unlimited Search Consoles, websites, sitemaps and URLs with full 60 days transparency, access to logs and fine-grained control.