GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking and CI/CD pipeline features, using an open-source license, developed by GitLab Inc.
ReposTimeline is an open-sourced web app that lets you generate a stunning timeline of your GitHub public projects. Enter your username, and just like that, you get a beautiful visualization you can easily share.
This is a single page application that enhances Gitlab: - Daily/Monthly report of issues handled across repositories. - Important flags such as “due dates being exceeded” - Compare estimated hours vs. spent hours. - Allocate repos to cost centers and get reports on time spent split by bugs & features.
Welcome to our ProductHunt page. We just created a new open source project named Jandi. This is an app on MacOS which allows you to see commits made easily from the desktop. Would love to know opinions and feedback about the app. Thank you
Open your Github repository with 3rd party web IDEs When navigating to any github repository, you can click on the green code button and see new options: - Open in Github1s - Open in StackBlitz - Open in CodeSandbox