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Lluís Riba
1 review
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Any soul who wants to be free in a peaceful way needs tools which are out of governments control and/or censorship. Such is the case with our catalan nation. We need the social movement and the app "Tsunami Democràtic" (@tsunami_dem) for our minds not to be controlled by the polytical establishment.
David Miarons Urpi
1 review
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It's a very good app, to avoid the fascist estate of de kingdom of spainistan! The catalonian citizens are sats of spain goverment. Its very important that the world knows the POLITICAL problem in spain.
Cesc Badia
1 review
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Good app to empower civic society and help to reach new democratic achivements in a pacefully way. Thats the only way we know. Since the spanish state had held Catalonia with repression , we stand up pacefully in order to reach a better future.
Mariona Chavarria
Peaceful civilian
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Great app helping citizens organize protests around causes to achieve change faster with non-violent means and avoiding bots and those against our cause to enter into the information chain. You can only join reading a qr from a colleague's phone.
Laia Pellejà Adalid
1 review
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Tsunamidemocraticapp is a clever application to connect a target of people shearing values, goals, behaviour. The big app success can be explained because the developers know the social and political context, and mainly they know the target behaviour's and the territorial distribution of habitants. The locally point of view is also an important advantage of the app. The best is to connect houndred of thousands of people, in a significant stadistic representation of people.
Jordina Sastre Ayats
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Hola, ho tenim tot a guanyar o tot a perdre. Cal ser al carrer, però, organitzats, informats i protegits. Ja que això d'arrencar seves, ja no estar en l'ideari policial! A la Jonquera, darrera mossos hi havia un desplegament de guàrdia civil, amb màscares de gas i pistoles de vales de goma.
Eloi Maduell
audiovisual research
1 review
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This is a glimpse of hope for the future of human development on earth. If we can't organize civil society out of control of the government and coorporations, we will fall into it's sticky constructed reality. If we're 99% of the normal people who desire a new world, this sort of apps are testbeds until we get a global referendum online tool. Go Tsunami Go !
Miquel Angel Rodriguez Arias
1 review
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When the violence of the establishment and old-fashioned states is used sistematically against citizens that only claim to apply basic human rights, then you are morally obliged to stand up and react. If not you are following a path to XXIst century slavery and oblivion. Tsunami is a technology and a tool to raise non-violently in defense of human rights
2 reviews
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Best app ever to empower people against an entire state repression where a political discussion is banned from a fake democracy.