Accurately produce tints (lighter variants) and shades (darker variants) of a given hex color in 10% increments. It's best used when you already have a base color palette but would like some complimentary colors for gradients, borders, backgrounds, shadows or other elements. Simple, precise, and open source.
Select your favorite color from a various colors suggestions including red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and grey. Easy copy and paste your color from RGB, RGBA, HEX, CMYK, HSLA color format.
Web-app and javascript plugin that generates a color description based on a hex color code. We made this for to have screenreader support for reading out color names on another app.
A free and growing design resources kit, weekly update. Discover highly useful design resources & tools and save vast amounts of time searching on google. Access all designer resources in 2 clicks.
Browse beautiful color schemes, optimized for backgrounds, borders, and more. Search for your perfect swatch for your project/design. Or, simply use our scheme generator! 🚀