Help a Scientist is a chrome extension that helps you discover citizen science opportunities from your browser tab. Your contribution may help real researchers obtain real results!
PSLab is a small USB powered hardware extension for your Android phone or PC that lets you measure all kinds of things. It comes with an Oscilloscope, Multimeter, Wave Generator, Logic Analyzer, Power Source. Open Source Android or desktop apps to view and collect the data. Hundreds of compatible I2C standard sensors. No programming needed.
Scholarlys is an AI tool for researchers that brings all the latest scientific content (Publications + Science News + Blog articles) in one place for users' research interests. It's like a newspaper for researchers.
HappiLabs provides scientists with Virtual Lab Managers. They can do tasks like shopping for supplies and managing regulatory paperwork, so scientists can focus on solving the world’s problems. More than 350 scientists across 26 labs use the service.